Apuo terzo titolo

Terzo titolo Apuano:Stamani un titolo tanto pericoloso, quanto potenzialmente esplosivo per il futuro. Settore Marine transportation.Ne pubblicherò altri due, uno sempre pericoloso, l'altro più tranquillo....Ho aggiunto la GYP ratio senza il corposo dividendo (sempre interessante)..Excel Maritime Carriers(NYSE:EXM)Excel Maritime Carriers, Ltd., a shipping company, engages in the ownership and operation of bulk carrier vessels. The company provides seaborne transportation services for dry bulk cargoes, such as iron ore, coal and grain, steel products, fertilizers, cement, bauxite, sugar, and scrap metal. As of May 15, 2008, its fleet consisted of 47 vessels comprising 4 Capesize, 14 Kamsarmax, 21 Panamax, 2 Supramax, and 6 Handymax with a total carrying capacity of approximately 3.7 million deadweight tonnage. The company was founded in 1988 and is headquartered in Athens, Greece.
Apuo Fondamental
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